Sunday, July 24, 2016

I can't believe I wrote a Patriotic Rap... :p

Lately I've been inspired to write rap lyrics, which is a surprise to me as much as you. Please forgive me if it sucks, but I really feel this message, and I think our culture needs some good mojo right now.

Born in America
Land of Opportunity
Grew up fairly comfortable
Was taught that we were free
But things came crashing down
All around, all so suddenly
September eleventh
Our day of tragedy
So we overreacted
Passed the Patriot Act
And we lost a bunch of freedoms
And protections like that
Economic recession
Shattering our dreams
Costing us our homes
And our dignities
And all the while
Wall Street laughs
Toasting their glasses
Above the gathered mass
They think that we are weak
Indentured servantry
But the People hold the power
In this country

If we want to win
We have to stand together
If you want peace
You've got to love your neighbor
'Cause America's strength
Is diversity
Every stripe is needed
In the Land of the Free

We're an exceptional country
The U-S-of-A
But that really isn't meant
In a superior way
Immigrants traveled
Across the seas
To make a patchwork of cultures
And ethnicities
It's an experimental
Melting pot
I know that it's not perfect
But we give what we've got
And of all the places
 I could be
I'm grateful I was born
In a democracy
Life has never been easy
It's never been fair
But we can make it better
When we show that we care
For although we are
As different as could be
What unites us all
Is our Humanity


The world's a scary place
But that's nothing new
Don't believe in all those fears
It makes them stronger than you
So take a tip from Yoda
When you're feeling angry
'Cause if it turns to hate
Well, we know where that leads
Walling off the world
Isn't the answer
Suffering spreads
Just like a cancer
We gotta be the change
That we wish to see
Sure it's cliche
But I'm speaking truthfully
Rise above with your love
We're all in this together
The pointing of fingers
Causes ties to be severed
One thing we must remember
If we want to stay free
We have to let our Brothers
Be themselves, naturally


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Letter on DEA to President Obama

Dear Mr. President Obama,

As you are aware, the American people are waiting to hear the DEA's decision on the scheduling of cannabis (marijuana), which was supposed to be released in June. Honestly, I don't trust the DEA to rule in the country's best interest. I'm not a legal scholar, but I know that laws regarding this plant are deliberately complex.

As I understand it, plants are not legally considered medicine, even when the plant has traditionally been used medicinally and components are isolated for modern medicine, as in the case of white willow (asprin) and foxglove (digitalis is used in heart medicine). Since these plants are not considered to have medicinal value, this sets the precedent that cannabis will not be given that status. But neither do we have foxglove eradication program making sure only those with prescriptions get their digitalis (after all, the plant can be poisonous in wrong dosage).  People take herbs at their own risk.

There was even a time when doctors were forbidden from admitting that herbs had any effect medically, because legally they have no medicinal value. I know a nurse practitioner who recently reversed his stance on natural remedies, once he saw the effect of peppermint oil firsthand. The asthmatic discovered he didn't need his inhaler when the oil was applied to his chest, and this flew in the face of everything he learned in medical school.

It's really difficult to trust the FDA and the DEA to not be in the pocket of Big Pharma. From here, it seems policy is more firmly shaped by pharmaceutical profits than good public policy. We see Big Pharma's fingerprints all over the opioid epidemic, and the law makes it so hard to study cannabis that it's suspicious. If cannabis sativa (sativa means "useful" in Latin) is really so dangerous as the propaganda has been telling us for so many decades, then science would confirm this. The reality is, we've been lied to, and science is proving that.

Why put so much legislation in place to keep us in the dark? Who benefits so much from prohibition? Not the American people- it creates black markets, overpopulated prisons, waste of tax revenue, and a divide with law enforcement. Adults are trusted to be responsible with alcohol, which has many known negative attributes. We've seen positive effects everywhere cannabis has been legalized, so it doesn't seem like there is any good reason for it to be illegal.

Prohibition does nothing for the good of the People, but certain special interest groups make money because of it. Doesn't this fit John Locke's definition of Tyranny, against which our Founding Fathers told us to be ever vigilant?

I have a sinking feeling that when the DEA reveals its decision, it's going to preserve the status quo as much as possible, while creating avenues for Big Pharma to cash in. So I'm asking you to please use your influence to right the injustice inherent in prohibition. We're supposed to be free to persue our happiness, and for some of us, cannabis helps us on our way. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Raven Wildchild

Monday, July 4, 2016

American Exceptionalism: We are the Wildcard

A lot of people, including President Obama, are uncomfortable with the term "American Exceptionalism," and I can't blame them: the term sounds like we're saying that the U.S. is better than the rest of the world. But the meaning is closer to the concept of "the exception to the rule," though I don't mean  exempt from following rules. It means our country's formation was unique in the history of the world.

Never before has there been a country created with a population so widely diverse as the United States, with no common heritage or culture or religion dictating the course of our fate. We are the wildcard, with the potential to rise above using the combined wisdom of the world, or to fall flat believing it doesn't apply to us.

Our diversity is a great strength, helping to make us a world leader in innovation, and as the Land of Opportunity, we understand that innovation often comes from the least expected places. In many cases, or ancestors came to this land to make a better life, because their homelands imposed restrictions that limited potential. We are defended from the world's most adventurous spirits, and those strong enough to escape oppression. This country is built on their optimism and highest ideals.

Therefore, it is important for the U.S. to honor immigrants as part of the reason America is great, to look to the histories of other nations and learn from their mistakes, to take responsibility for the role we play in the world, and to make sure all our citizens have the opportunity to reach their highest potential, because it helps us be stronger.

Times are hard now, but America is still great because we aren't held back by centuries'-old patterns; we are built on creating better futures.