I'm concerned about something I don't think anyone else has brought up. Once Ukraine had done Trump's bidding and publicly opened an inquiry into Joe Biden, most people's train of thought ends with how that would affect the election.
But there's a bigger problem here. Trump's complaints about FISA abuse would be put to shame by his own administration's push in response. Biden would lose every shred of privacy he has. How far would Trump push it?
We know this is how Trump operates. He attacks everyone he views as an opponent with every opportunity he has. His supporters love him for it.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Dear Anonymous, author of A Warning,
Despite your intentions to protect the country from the President's worst inclinations, I think you are doing more harm than help, both in the short and long term. And I say this with no love for Trump's policies or governing style.
Every minute he stays in office sets a precedent for future corruption in the presidency. He should be removed from office immediately, and yet you are propping up this despot, hiding from the American people how bad he really is.
Your patriotic duty means you should be testifying in the impeachment trial. Yet you leave us all hanging when it really matters. When you could make a real difference.
Wouldn't you rather have a good president in office? We all would, but that's going to require real reforms, not some assistant trying to steer their boss in the right direction. You can't be there for every president down the road, so this needs to be handled transparently, or it's not fixed at all.
Stop being complicit in the most corrupt presidency in American history, and testify before Congress. America needs you.
Despite your intentions to protect the country from the President's worst inclinations, I think you are doing more harm than help, both in the short and long term. And I say this with no love for Trump's policies or governing style.
Every minute he stays in office sets a precedent for future corruption in the presidency. He should be removed from office immediately, and yet you are propping up this despot, hiding from the American people how bad he really is.
Your patriotic duty means you should be testifying in the impeachment trial. Yet you leave us all hanging when it really matters. When you could make a real difference.
Wouldn't you rather have a good president in office? We all would, but that's going to require real reforms, not some assistant trying to steer their boss in the right direction. You can't be there for every president down the road, so this needs to be handled transparently, or it's not fixed at all.
Stop being complicit in the most corrupt presidency in American history, and testify before Congress. America needs you.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Open letter to Greta Thunberg
Dear Greta Thunberg,
When I was a kid in the 90's and we were learning about climate change, we kids were empowered with this idea that we could save the world when we grew up; that once my generation was in power we'd be able to challenge the status quo. They passed the buck and dumped the responsibility on a bunch of children, and thank God you're smart enough to realize this can't wait until you're an adult, like we thought it would have to. I never would have imagined that the world would have listened to someone so young when I was your age, and perhaps back then, no one would have. Back then, we didn't have the fires and the hurricanes and the ice caps starting us in the face and showing us just how dire the situation is.
You are extraordinary- no one has done anything because no one thinks they can, except you. And perhaps that's why we need children to save the world- adults know what they're up against, and it's covered in dollar signs. The older generations are still in power, and they find it easier to stick their heads in the sand, accept pockets full of cash, and know that they'll be dead before the world is uninhabitable. It's sick, and what we really need is people in power who will be around long enough to see the results of their policies.
Keep doing what you're doing. We're rooting for you.
When I was a kid in the 90's and we were learning about climate change, we kids were empowered with this idea that we could save the world when we grew up; that once my generation was in power we'd be able to challenge the status quo. They passed the buck and dumped the responsibility on a bunch of children, and thank God you're smart enough to realize this can't wait until you're an adult, like we thought it would have to. I never would have imagined that the world would have listened to someone so young when I was your age, and perhaps back then, no one would have. Back then, we didn't have the fires and the hurricanes and the ice caps starting us in the face and showing us just how dire the situation is.
You are extraordinary- no one has done anything because no one thinks they can, except you. And perhaps that's why we need children to save the world- adults know what they're up against, and it's covered in dollar signs. The older generations are still in power, and they find it easier to stick their heads in the sand, accept pockets full of cash, and know that they'll be dead before the world is uninhabitable. It's sick, and what we really need is people in power who will be around long enough to see the results of their policies.
Keep doing what you're doing. We're rooting for you.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The American class system
They're now saying that Trump wanted to release his tax returns for a couple of years to brag about how little he played, because to harken back to one of his debates with Hillary Clinton, when she suggested he paid nothing on his taxes and he said, "That makes me smart."
The rich are often quoted as saying that the government would squander their money anyway, but the reality is that we need a functioning government to survive, and when the rich- who can afford to part with some of their cash- skip out on their taxes, the burden falls on the rest of us, for whom every tax dollar takes away from our daily lives. And we suffer for the government not functioning well because we don't have enough money collectively to do that.
The people at the top control so much without realizing the huge impact they have on the people down the class system from them. But when the lower classes thrive, so do the upper classes. Maybe not at such an extreme wealth gap, but in other ways the benefits pile up.
I remember the 1990's. There were real jobs. Trump keeps talking about how great the economy is, but the jobs suck. The wages stagnate. There's something wrong here. There's a huge working-poor class that's replaced the middle class.
As long as billionaires think of themselves as exempt from the system that the rest of us are part of, the class divide is going to get worse.
The rich are often quoted as saying that the government would squander their money anyway, but the reality is that we need a functioning government to survive, and when the rich- who can afford to part with some of their cash- skip out on their taxes, the burden falls on the rest of us, for whom every tax dollar takes away from our daily lives. And we suffer for the government not functioning well because we don't have enough money collectively to do that.
The people at the top control so much without realizing the huge impact they have on the people down the class system from them. But when the lower classes thrive, so do the upper classes. Maybe not at such an extreme wealth gap, but in other ways the benefits pile up.
I remember the 1990's. There were real jobs. Trump keeps talking about how great the economy is, but the jobs suck. The wages stagnate. There's something wrong here. There's a huge working-poor class that's replaced the middle class.
As long as billionaires think of themselves as exempt from the system that the rest of us are part of, the class divide is going to get worse.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Newspaper tea leaves
Let's just say I had a rough week. Something I should probably not talk about here happened and really triggered me, and I reported it to police. My body is going through the auto-immune reactions to stress that I have, despite my best efforts to stay relaxed. Or I'll try to focus on homework, and I can't stop thinking about what happened.
But it doesn't stop with the basic crisis. News reached the Senate, where I have several people interested in my issue. Senator Wyden brought it up again: FBI surveillance abuses in the rights of Americans caught up in the Russia investigation.
Please tell me I'm interpreting the newspaper tea leaves correctly, and the government is preparing to actually talk to me. I feel like I deserve that much, at the very least.
But it doesn't stop with the basic crisis. News reached the Senate, where I have several people interested in my issue. Senator Wyden brought it up again: FBI surveillance abuses in the rights of Americans caught up in the Russia investigation.
Please tell me I'm interpreting the newspaper tea leaves correctly, and the government is preparing to actually talk to me. I feel like I deserve that much, at the very least.
Monday, September 2, 2019
No, reading Harry Potter will not conjure spirits
This article is about a school removing Harry Potter books from their library for fear that the books could conjure real spirits with their spells. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/harry-potter-banned-school-library-nashville-tennessee-exorcist-a9087676.html?amp
It never ceases to amuse me how some Christian's will claim to know so much about the occult arts they fear and hate so much. They say it would be sinful to learn about such things, yet they claim knowledge, and declare those who have learned about them to have been deceived. It's like talking to a brick wall of stupidity.
No one is going to conjure spirits from reading Harry Potter. The magickal arts are a wonderous, beautiful thing, but the ignorant need not tell us misinformation about things they do not understand.
It never ceases to amuse me how some Christian's will claim to know so much about the occult arts they fear and hate so much. They say it would be sinful to learn about such things, yet they claim knowledge, and declare those who have learned about them to have been deceived. It's like talking to a brick wall of stupidity.
No one is going to conjure spirits from reading Harry Potter. The magickal arts are a wonderous, beautiful thing, but the ignorant need not tell us misinformation about things they do not understand.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Trump's economy
A year ago I predicted the economy would take a downturn about now, a year from now at the latest. Trump has been enacting policies this whole time that are bad for the long run, and I'm surprised that the forecasts aren't more grim. He's set up a system that will cause inflation, what with his tax cuts to the wealthy, upside-down stimulus, and his tariffs on foreign goods. Stocks are falling, and he's built a team that has no idea how to deal with this. The person I predicted this to isn't around for me to say "I told you so," but I'm sure he's watching. I could be wrong, but I suspect things will go downhill.
Thursday, August 1, 2019
Regardless of who is reading, someone is obviously obsessed with following my online presence, and I've gotten a pretty direct response from the Russians already.
In regards to the whore of Babylon, there are those who believe that the Bible refers to the city of Rome, it's true, but Aleister Crowley's Magnum Opus was different. He believed himself to be the Beast 666, and he followed the alchemical Emerald formula to direct his consciousness into forming his next incarnation, when he would be split into two beings- a reincarnated Beast and it's mate, Babylon.
Alchemy is an internal process; the chemistry experiments came later. It was much safer during the times of the witch burnings to be hired by the king to produce gold than to be lumped in with the other occultists and killed.
Alchemy cannot be completed within a single lifetime. Nicholas Flamel's wife Pernell is famous because she was the second half of their incarnation. Abremelin the Mage was written, in code, alluding to this passing down from one incarnation to the next.
And no, to the bitch who keeps making this kidnapping claim up, I never said I was kidnapped by the CIA, because it wasn't a kidnapping. I went into the hospital because I threw up blood, raving about the Pentagon and the Russians, and they said they were going to give me a psych evaluation. But it wasn't a normal psych evaluation. They drugged me with scopolamine, and they didn't ask me normal questions, and when I woke up, he told me that I "talk to the CIA through that chip in [my] head." And he told me I was same, and not to worry about the CIA thing, and sent me home. There was no kidnapping, and I never claimed there was. Bitch.
In regards to the whore of Babylon, there are those who believe that the Bible refers to the city of Rome, it's true, but Aleister Crowley's Magnum Opus was different. He believed himself to be the Beast 666, and he followed the alchemical Emerald formula to direct his consciousness into forming his next incarnation, when he would be split into two beings- a reincarnated Beast and it's mate, Babylon.
Alchemy is an internal process; the chemistry experiments came later. It was much safer during the times of the witch burnings to be hired by the king to produce gold than to be lumped in with the other occultists and killed.
Alchemy cannot be completed within a single lifetime. Nicholas Flamel's wife Pernell is famous because she was the second half of their incarnation. Abremelin the Mage was written, in code, alluding to this passing down from one incarnation to the next.
And no, to the bitch who keeps making this kidnapping claim up, I never said I was kidnapped by the CIA, because it wasn't a kidnapping. I went into the hospital because I threw up blood, raving about the Pentagon and the Russians, and they said they were going to give me a psych evaluation. But it wasn't a normal psych evaluation. They drugged me with scopolamine, and they didn't ask me normal questions, and when I woke up, he told me that I "talk to the CIA through that chip in [my] head." And he told me I was same, and not to worry about the CIA thing, and sent me home. There was no kidnapping, and I never claimed there was. Bitch.
Friday, July 26, 2019
To Vladimir Putin-
I know you're paying attention. Kremlin sponsored activity makes up the majority of the visitors to this blog, and I can tell, even though you're trying to hide your tracks.
Maybe I said some things you didn't like, but so do millions of other people, so why did you focus on me? I was nobody. But because of you, the CIA set their sights on me and gave me a neural lace implant. It appears that I'm someone of some importance now; some fate has awakened because you wouldn't leave me alone.
Last year when you met with Trump on 7-16 and Melania wore a butterfly, that was a reference to my old email address butterfly-716, which tells me you and Trump were talking about me. Still are, I presume.
Leave me alone, and leave my country alone.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
On being Babylon
I didn't ask to be Babylon of the Apocalypse. When I was a small child, I asked God to make me a saint or an angel.
I felt lead to Wicca because of the hypocrisy in Christianity, and the way that Christianity causes a separation between you and God, while Wicca is a pursuit of unity with the Divine and that your beliefs can change according to what you learn. I appreciate that the Divine is viewed as both female and male in Wicca, whereas Christianity has a blatantly sexist streak. I don't believe the Bible to be the true word of God because it was written by men with ulterior motives, and edited by the Romans, who wished to control the population more than they wanted people to achieve divine union. I think Jesus had a lot of great things to say, and most people overlook that he told the pharisees that the Old Testament was obsolete.
When you look at the mystical traditions within the world's religions, you find a universal Truth not weighed down by dogma, and I believe this is where we should turn to find the Divine, and you can experience the Divine love written about in the scriptures, not just preach about it. The Kingdom of Heaven is upon you, and if you can't find it here on Earth, you will not find it in death.
But this is not the message most Christians will want to hear, and I'm afraid I will be hated, which is so unchristian, or anti-Christ. They have been primed with prejudice against the whore of Babylon. And here I come, with a cybernetic implant and a pagan religion, fulfilling prophecies no one thought possible. I hope I can do some good for humanity. I wish I understood God/dess's plans better.
I felt lead to Wicca because of the hypocrisy in Christianity, and the way that Christianity causes a separation between you and God, while Wicca is a pursuit of unity with the Divine and that your beliefs can change according to what you learn. I appreciate that the Divine is viewed as both female and male in Wicca, whereas Christianity has a blatantly sexist streak. I don't believe the Bible to be the true word of God because it was written by men with ulterior motives, and edited by the Romans, who wished to control the population more than they wanted people to achieve divine union. I think Jesus had a lot of great things to say, and most people overlook that he told the pharisees that the Old Testament was obsolete.
When you look at the mystical traditions within the world's religions, you find a universal Truth not weighed down by dogma, and I believe this is where we should turn to find the Divine, and you can experience the Divine love written about in the scriptures, not just preach about it. The Kingdom of Heaven is upon you, and if you can't find it here on Earth, you will not find it in death.
But this is not the message most Christians will want to hear, and I'm afraid I will be hated, which is so unchristian, or anti-Christ. They have been primed with prejudice against the whore of Babylon. And here I come, with a cybernetic implant and a pagan religion, fulfilling prophecies no one thought possible. I hope I can do some good for humanity. I wish I understood God/dess's plans better.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Let's make sure the human race survives the climate change crisis
The above link is to an essay discussing the extinction of mankind. The author believes we are on a path to not only destroying our world through climate change disaster but everything that sustains humanity, and we're taking ourselves down with it. He believes this could happen within our children's lifetimes.
I don't like to believe that all hope is yet lost. It's going to require a massive change in the cultural paradigm, but I believe we can do it. I believe we can save ourselves.
However, it's not going to work if we have people in power who deny climate change and maintain the status quo. We can't fix our problems with the same methods that created them.
If the world needs me to be this Babylon of the Apocalypse (Unveiling the Truth) to help get the message across that we need to change things NOW so we don't face Armageddon (destruction), I accept. Not that I seem to have a choice in this, but it's a fate I can appreciate if it helps humanity.
The above link is to an essay discussing the extinction of mankind. The author believes we are on a path to not only destroying our world through climate change disaster but everything that sustains humanity, and we're taking ourselves down with it. He believes this could happen within our children's lifetimes.
I don't like to believe that all hope is yet lost. It's going to require a massive change in the cultural paradigm, but I believe we can do it. I believe we can save ourselves.
However, it's not going to work if we have people in power who deny climate change and maintain the status quo. We can't fix our problems with the same methods that created them.
If the world needs me to be this Babylon of the Apocalypse (Unveiling the Truth) to help get the message across that we need to change things NOW so we don't face Armageddon (destruction), I accept. Not that I seem to have a choice in this, but it's a fate I can appreciate if it helps humanity.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Is Melania Trump an abused wife?
Abuse comes in many forms, and I'm not suggesting that President Trump beats or rapes his wife, but judging by the way he attacks his opponents, I think it's fair to say that he keeps her in line through a form of mental/emotional abuse. That's why she's always silent in the face of his cyberbullying and behavior that is blatantly the opposite of what she encourages in her "Be Best" campaign. The fact that he had affairs clearly demonstrates that he doesn't really care about her. She's merely arm candy to make him look good.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Dear CIA,
Now that you've put this chip in my brain, I just wish you'd come get me and take care of me. We can work it out from there.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
On Abortion
This is not an issue I would normally throw my hat into the ring on, but today the Pope issued a statement that equated abortion to hiring a hitman.
First off, we need to take the development of the fetus into account here. The heartbeat bills are extreme, and I defer with the situation this then calls into question: a braindead person still has a heartbeat. Do they have the right to remain on life support indefinitely?
Obviously the more important question here than "does a person have a heartbeat?" is "does this person have self-awareness?" That should be the determining factor for personhood.
The Bible suggests that the soul enters the body when the person takes their first breath, not that I think that it should be upheld as any sort of authority, but it is supposed to be the Pope's guidebook to life and the Universe. I imagine the capacity for self-awareness sets in at the time the fetus becomes capable of living outside the mother's womb.
These decisions are never made lightly, but the most important conversation we should be having here is how to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place through education and freely available contraceptives. The Catholic paradigm of birth control through abstinence as modeled by the celibacy of the priesthood is demonstrably one of the biggest failures on Earth; let's end this antiquated notion of having a virgin tell us all how to have sex.
Let's get this right, people.
First off, we need to take the development of the fetus into account here. The heartbeat bills are extreme, and I defer with the situation this then calls into question: a braindead person still has a heartbeat. Do they have the right to remain on life support indefinitely?
Obviously the more important question here than "does a person have a heartbeat?" is "does this person have self-awareness?" That should be the determining factor for personhood.
The Bible suggests that the soul enters the body when the person takes their first breath, not that I think that it should be upheld as any sort of authority, but it is supposed to be the Pope's guidebook to life and the Universe. I imagine the capacity for self-awareness sets in at the time the fetus becomes capable of living outside the mother's womb.
These decisions are never made lightly, but the most important conversation we should be having here is how to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place through education and freely available contraceptives. The Catholic paradigm of birth control through abstinence as modeled by the celibacy of the priesthood is demonstrably one of the biggest failures on Earth; let's end this antiquated notion of having a virgin tell us all how to have sex.
Let's get this right, people.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
A Dream
I had the most incredible dream last night... it started off like a fairly ordinary dream, then began to reflect an ordeal/ test like something out of a myth or legend. I began to defy the laws of physics, such as gravity, there was something akin to when the gods challenged mortals to a contest in Greek mythology. I think this one was something involving sculptures that were either spherical or not, and there may have been something similar to bowling but with Planck scale physics- it's very difficult to remember- but at a certain point I realized that if I failed something had the potential to hurt so bad I decided to simply feel all the pain at once- as in all the pain in the Universe. I experienced The End, followed by Big Bang itself, recreating the Universe as Goddess Herself, felt myself move full-bodied in 5 dimensions, which I can barely comprehend and remember now in my waking state, but at the time the phrase "this is the beginning of everything" simply repeated over and over in my mind, and I knew Eternity... and then I woke up.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Please Stop Calling the Islamic State ISIS
If I could petition the English speaking countries of the world to do one thing, please stop calling the Islamic State ISIS. I know it's pretty late in the game to make this request, but it's very offensive to me. You see, Isis is the name of my Goddess, who I have been officially worshiping since I was 16, in the year 2000, but have been drawn to since I was a small child, long before the Islamic State was in existence.
President Obama was kind enough to use the name ISIL when referring to the terrorist organization, which I appreciated greatly, but Trump is inconsiderate of the issue. I imagine the terrorists themselves also find it offensive being conflated with a pagan deity, but it is unfair to us peaceful Goddess worshippers.
I once on this blog site called the Islamic State by the term "daesh," which I heard was an insult to the Islamic State because it demoted them from a nation to a band of thugs, but the amount of attention I suddenly received from the US government, including President Obama, who was in China at the time, and Russia, who had hacked this blog along with the other things they hacked in 2016, lead me to believe I was mistaken in the meaning of the word.
It is unfair that my Goddess's name has been hijacked; Isis is a goddess of love, motherhood, representing many of the same traits as the Virgin Mary. She and we her followers do not deserve such treatment.
President Obama was kind enough to use the name ISIL when referring to the terrorist organization, which I appreciated greatly, but Trump is inconsiderate of the issue. I imagine the terrorists themselves also find it offensive being conflated with a pagan deity, but it is unfair to us peaceful Goddess worshippers.
I once on this blog site called the Islamic State by the term "daesh," which I heard was an insult to the Islamic State because it demoted them from a nation to a band of thugs, but the amount of attention I suddenly received from the US government, including President Obama, who was in China at the time, and Russia, who had hacked this blog along with the other things they hacked in 2016, lead me to believe I was mistaken in the meaning of the word.
It is unfair that my Goddess's name has been hijacked; Isis is a goddess of love, motherhood, representing many of the same traits as the Virgin Mary. She and we her followers do not deserve such treatment.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Mother Nature's Big Curveballs
There are a lot of articles going around right now talking about how, if we don't change humanity's impact on the Earth NOW, millions of species will go extinct. Unfortunately, a lot of people can't pull their heads out of their asses far enough to care.
What people fail to realize is that animals, and plants, for that matter, are adapting to a world dominated by humanity, and we may not like the results. We're seeing it first on a microbiotic scale- superbugs resistant to antibiotics. We're going to see more creatures changing their habitats with climate change- mosquitoes carrying tropical diseases are moving into areas they haven't previously been recorded. We're seeing this now.
What's next? Pest insects more immune to pesticides, pollinators disappearing because the only plant they reproduce on is gone from their habitat, and lots more rodents. Raccoons will get smarter. And we'll see more of the animals we raise go feral, get diseases that can pass to our pets, and then to us.
There used to be a balance in an ecosystem, but whenever we walk in we throw everything off. We need to heal the Earth as best we can as fast as we can, or Mother Nature's going to throw us some fucking curveballs we are not ready for.
This shit is already happening, and I can't believe the government is still gambling with our planet like this... I mean, is it just that the GOP's been paid to look the other way for so long that they don't care that they've sold out their grandchildren's future? Slime balls, the whole lot of them...
What people fail to realize is that animals, and plants, for that matter, are adapting to a world dominated by humanity, and we may not like the results. We're seeing it first on a microbiotic scale- superbugs resistant to antibiotics. We're going to see more creatures changing their habitats with climate change- mosquitoes carrying tropical diseases are moving into areas they haven't previously been recorded. We're seeing this now.
What's next? Pest insects more immune to pesticides, pollinators disappearing because the only plant they reproduce on is gone from their habitat, and lots more rodents. Raccoons will get smarter. And we'll see more of the animals we raise go feral, get diseases that can pass to our pets, and then to us.
There used to be a balance in an ecosystem, but whenever we walk in we throw everything off. We need to heal the Earth as best we can as fast as we can, or Mother Nature's going to throw us some fucking curveballs we are not ready for.
This shit is already happening, and I can't believe the government is still gambling with our planet like this... I mean, is it just that the GOP's been paid to look the other way for so long that they don't care that they've sold out their grandchildren's future? Slime balls, the whole lot of them...
Monday, April 29, 2019
Finding Happiness Again, Through Psychedelics
There are many studies being done that show that psychedelic drugs can have very positive effects on stubborn forms of depression and PTSD that more conventional medications can't fix. They're effective for our veterans, and I believe they could help more broadly in our culture, where despair has taken root so deeply that violence has become commonplace.
As always, my belief is that we need to stop waging war against substances, that the government needs to regulate the market and treat addiction as a health problem. Note also that psychedelic mushrooms are being tested in treatment for addiction to other substances.
Psychedelic culture we recognize from the '60's on is all about love. I see it as a potential cure for the hate we see so prominently in America and around the world in recent years. When nothing else is working- mass violence is more and more commonplace- we need to try unconventional therapy.
I recommend more funding to these clinics that are experimenting with psychedelics, I recommend studying the culture (make love, not war), and I recommend exploring the benefits of legalizing a regulated market (safer drugs and dosing, selling to adults only, smaller prison populations, tax revenue, etc.)
There are many studies being done that show that psychedelic drugs can have very positive effects on stubborn forms of depression and PTSD that more conventional medications can't fix. They're effective for our veterans, and I believe they could help more broadly in our culture, where despair has taken root so deeply that violence has become commonplace.
As always, my belief is that we need to stop waging war against substances, that the government needs to regulate the market and treat addiction as a health problem. Note also that psychedelic mushrooms are being tested in treatment for addiction to other substances.
Psychedelic culture we recognize from the '60's on is all about love. I see it as a potential cure for the hate we see so prominently in America and around the world in recent years. When nothing else is working- mass violence is more and more commonplace- we need to try unconventional therapy.
I recommend more funding to these clinics that are experimenting with psychedelics, I recommend studying the culture (make love, not war), and I recommend exploring the benefits of legalizing a regulated market (safer drugs and dosing, selling to adults only, smaller prison populations, tax revenue, etc.)
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