Thursday, August 25, 2022

Dear FBI agents,

Yes, I'm talking to as many individual agents as will listen to me, because there is a crisis within the Justice Department that I am begging you to independently investigate.

There is Nixon-era corruption that is still being buried- I think there's a non-disparagement agreement protecting my family. It's a case where information is being classified to cover up crimes rather than for legitimate national security, which is illegal misuse of the system.

My friend Eric Larson was a cop in Sydney, Montana; he told me there was cannibalism in Billings and that cops were encouraged to commit crimes. There were also cannibalism references in my high school yearbook. 

My adoptive mother, Georgia Heffner, who was very well connected to the sheriff, district attorney, and senators when I was a child, used to talk about eugenics and unethical psychological experiments, and make Soylent Green references. "When a person is dead, they're just meat," she told me when I was a small child.

My family had the resources and connections to do medical experiments on animals, and there is a genetics lab with my aunt's brand, Diamond V Genetic Source. I recently took a DNA test that can be confirmed with 23andMe; it shows that the family went to great lengths to cover up my true biological history, including the surrogate lying to her boyfriend that he accidentally impregnated her. I have multiple mutations, which they exploit to skirt human testing laws.

I think the family might be part of a militia or clandestine branch of the government with Nazi/KKK historical ties. Ask why my adoptive father didn't go to Vietnam when his draft number was called, and why my adoptive parents lied about the fact that it was called at all.

There is a massive conspiracy to keep intersex people out of public view while politicians stoke the fires of transphobia. Doctors traditionally don't tell patients they're intersex; this is harmful to intersex children, who are saddled with a lifetime of gender confusion, and doesn't protect them from getting bullied for being "weird". Intersex people are as common as red hair, and looking back I can identify the intersex kids I went to school with- all of whom were marginalized.

This cruelty is the legacy of Operation Paperclip, in which the CIA hired over a thousand Nazi scientists and engineers. MK-ULTRA is also part of their legacy, and since the CIA got away with it, there's no reason to believe the CIA doesn't still experiment on unwitting citizens. 

The FBI needs to remove the "bad apples" from America's justice department, because those bad cops are taking down the country while pretending to be patriots. Do you realize that when citizens asked cops to please stop killing unarmed black men, the DOJ waged war? That when the far-right attacked the Capitol, suddenly the DOJ was blundering every aspect of the response? This far-right bias in leadership needs to be investigated.

Please don't listen to those who would downplay the severity of these things I'm talking about. Ignore ad hominim  attacks intended to deflect from the things I'm writing about. Do the research yourself, instead of relying on the word of another cop. These are ways information gets censored to get around the "Footloose" effect (banning something outright draws attention, so they misinform and dissuade interest to censor things).

I've done a lot of investigating already, much of which can be verified fairly easily. I'm not asking you to trust me, I'm asking you to take a look at the issues I'm raising.

Please, please, please help America defeat this corruption that is rotting our institutions from the core.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Open letter to President Biden

Dear President Biden,

This is yet another attempt to reach you, and I have to question if information is being gatekept from you. I know the CIA pays attention to everything I write but uses subtle methods to censor me (they claim I have freedom of speech but not freedom of reach). 

I wrote you a simple and effective playbook for convincing Christians to support Democratic efforts- Jesus's teachings are in line with liberal values, not conservative ones. This would also take away support from Christian nationalists, whose beliefs are not actually based on the Bible. 

I asked for help because I'm being persecuted; I've been ignored and censored, gaslighted and treated like a crazy person. The far-right is waging war on minorities like me, and the police ignore me while my friends and I get stalked and attacked.

I've written thousands of messages and emails to politicians, journalists, and celebrities asking for help, because hermaphrodites like me are being dehumanized and censored. There is a massive conspiracy to cover up the existence of intersex people and manufacture transphobia. 

A farming family adopted me, a hermaphrodite, because they argue that my unique genetics preclude me from human rights. They planned to slaughter and eat me on my wedding day as a "joke".

This is part of the legacy of the CIA hiring 1,000 Nazis after WWII, who socially engineered the Christian nationalism threatening our democracy today. They believe the world is ending because they've confused Apocalypse and Armageddon, and this is why conservatives won't help stop climate change.

I convinced Joe Manchin to flip his vote because I got him to actually read the Bible he thumps. 

I'm starting to wonder if you just don't care, because I've offered solutions to virtually all your problems; the government steals many of my ideas and never acknowledges me. 

I'm angry, I'm disappointed that America has come to this, and I'm BEGGING you to even make an effort. I'm posting a copy of this letter on my blog and Facebook because I feel that the government keeps shoving information about me down a memory hole.


Laura M. Heffner

Aka Raven Wildchild 

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

 I've admitted that some of my theories have been wrong, so why do people act like my opinion isn't allowed to change? When I give a theory, do they insist that I believe it through and through? I come up with lots of theories and if they don't accumulate evidence in their favor, I discard them. That's how science works. Sometimes I discard a theory then later find out I was right in the first place.

As for the complex relationship I have with certain celebrities, they are using my Neuralink to make me doubt or forget my theories about them, to quell my anger, flood my body with hormones for connection when I think about them, and to deny me any other form of meaningful social interaction. I'm their hostage, I have Stockholm syndrome on a level that most people can't comprehend, and I'm doing my best to fight for justice. 

Please stop judging me so harshly. Please stop exaggerating my abilities. Please give me the benefit of the doubt and stop assuming the worst about me. I'm sick of the prejudice.

Why do people assume I harbor ill will? I never tried to get revenge against any of the bullies who plagued me in school. I did work for justice and reported the bullying to teachers. One time I punched a bully, but that's very different from what I'm being accused of. Anyone who thinks I'm an insincere person either doesn't know me or is lying- I wear my heart on my sleeve.

Also note that I'm not asking to be worshipped; I just want people to listen to what I have to say without pre-judgement and debate with me in good faith. Why are people demonizing me for this?

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

On sex and education

 There was something I wrote about on social media years ago that was clumsily worded and has been greatly distorted since.

The book Clan of the Cave Bear is a fiction that described life among early hominids and made me think about how human sexuality evolved.

In the book, children grew up seeing adults have sex. Sometimes the younger children would pretend to have sex, but if penetration accidentally happened, they became embarrassed and quickly separated. Children became adults in their society when puberty hit, and became available for sex at that time. I think this is a reasonably accurate historic model.

I think the age of consent should be lowered, because it would give young people better access to resources they might need and treats them as competent. In addition to that, comprehensive sexual education needs to be available, and teens should be encouraged to postpone sex, anyway. 

Masturbation should be encouraged as a healthy part of life. Teens should be encouraged to figure out what their personal sexual proclivities are, and taught how to look for compatible partners rather than being thrown into the current trial-and-error dating culture. 

I do think that it's good to normalize nudity. Kids should know what real bodies look like so they don't become ashamed of their own. I think kids should be told what sex is when they're old enough to ask where babies come from. I think that kids should be introduced to concepts around sex as they start showing an interest in them. Preserve most of the mystery until they hit adolescence, then initiate them with a rite of passage and give them a full education. (Rites of passage are incredibly important in societies; the lack of them in our current culture has contributed to an extended adolescent mindset among Millennials. This and helicopter parents are socially engineered phenomena.)

I don't encourage people having sex in front of kids; kids shouldn't be allowed in strip clubs. I do think that our society should be ready for teens who start looking for pornography by providing access to content that teaches consent culture, safe sex practices, and how to have mutually enjoyable sex.

Young people should be discouraged from engaging in sexual relationships with significantly older people, but not forbidden. The younger person should be the one who initiates in these scenarios. Recognize that the younger person might not be getting their needs met from their peers. Our country has not invested enough in social infrastructure that could help us through scenarios like this.

I think prostitution should be legalized and hookers unionize. There should be brothels to keep hookers safe and rules to protect them from being exploited by the brothels. Having prostitutes available takes social pressure off other women.

Purity culture causes a lot of real world problems, which is completely at odds with how Jesus preached love and non-judgement. He didn't preach about sexual morality. It's time to get over these outdated ideas that are about control, not about spirituality. 

One note about the Sermon on the Mount; I suspect the section on adultery was inaccurately remembered at the time when it was written down sometime later. The context, which implies the traditional ban on adultry, is incongruous to the parable. What Jesus says is that anyone who ever looked at another person lustfully is guilty of adultery- meaning that it's a pretty easy mistake to make. Then Jesus says, "If your eye causes you to stumble, you gouge it out!" I interpret this as being tongue-in-cheek; everyone has misjudged a step in their life (once again, an easy mistake to make if you're not paying close attention), and it would be a horrendous overreaction to gouge out an eye over this. Likewise, Jesus is saying the punishment for adultery is a horrendous overreaction. My interpretation is backed up by how Jesus saved a woman from being stoned. 

(So I guess I worded things poorly a couple times when I've said Jesus doesn't preach about sexual morality, but that's a nitpicky thing for people to jump on me about because I'm right where it matters: Jesus didn't denounce homosexuality, and the Bible seems to attempt to cover up that Jesus didn't denounce adultry, either.)

(Notice that there has never been a pope who gouged out his own eyes after stumbling, so they clearly didn't think the parable is serious.)

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Understanding the Bible

The Old Testament is made up of Jewish holy books. It is in the Bible for context.

The first 4 books of the New Testament are the Gospels, telling the life and teachings of Jesus.

The rest of the New Testament is related to Paul, a con man who never met Jesus. 

Abortion isn't forbidden in the Bible; rather, it tells how to perform one in Numbers 5:11-31. 

Matthew, Mark, and Luke are the canonical gospels, all telling a similar story. John, the Pauline gospel, is the only one where Jesus produces miracles.

Jesus declared Mosaic Law of the Old Testament was obsolete. He preached love and non-judgement, gave away free healthcare, supported loose women, and told people NOT to pray in public/virtue signal.

Some Christians believe in a "warrior Christ" who rides a white horse in Revelations, but this is Death, one of the horsemen of the Apocalypse, not Christ. Many also confuse Apocalypse and Armageddon. 

Christian nationalists who are trying to impose their worldview on the rest of us should read the Bible, because they've missed the whole point of Christianity. Jesus would not like nationalism.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Dear Mr. Putin,

You know who I am- the one they call "the Whore of Babylon" and "Holy Grail". I am begging you to stop waging war on Ukraine and to let your American prisoners go.

I don't know what your real intentions are, but please don't use the "golden billion" as an excuse to wage war- there are enough resources for us all, if we manage them in an ecologically sustainable manner. 

We have to shift all of our energy toward fighting climate change immediately. I agree with you that there's a problem with Nazis in the West, but the war in Ukraine is not helping to save the world. 

Apocalypse is not the same as Armageddon; please let us find a way forward to a more peaceful future. Please let Brittany Griner go- harsh drug laws cause more harm than good, and it's time to move toward a paradigm that makes more sense. 

You are the most powerful person on Earth. Please make the changes needed to lead us into a bright new future, instead of keeping us entrenched in the never-ending war of the last century.  

We have to try, right now- the future of humanity is at stake, and every minute we wait makes the climate problem more difficult to address. 

The West is too corrupted by greed to save us. You are the one with the power to change the world- please don't doom us.

Monday, June 27, 2022

I have a huge problem with the fact that the Supreme Court justices quoted Matthew Hale in their justification for overturning Roe v Wade. Hale was a 17th century jurist whose arguments predate the Constitution. His arguments are in no way valid to American law because the Constitution was not based on his logic, opinions, or beliefs. It seems that the reason judges seem to think his opinions matter is that he lived in North America. If that's the case, perhaps we should consider Native American culture from that period as just as valid as Hale's opinions. The United States Constutution was based on Greco-Roman philosophies. Greeks invented Democracy, and Rome was a Republic. If anything, perhaps we should be respecting how homosexuality was accepted in ancient Greece. That's more relevant to our Constitution than Hale's opinions. The fact that Supreme Court justices are apparently too stupid to understand that Hale is irrelevant to our laws implies that they're too stupid to sit on the court.