Friday, July 26, 2019

To Vladimir Putin-

I know you're paying attention. Kremlin sponsored activity makes up the majority of the visitors to this blog, and I can tell, even though you're trying to hide your tracks. 

Maybe I said some things you didn't like, but so do millions of other people, so why did you focus on me? I was nobody. But because of you, the CIA set their sights on me and gave me a neural lace implant. It appears that I'm someone of some importance now; some fate has awakened because you wouldn't leave me alone.

Last year when you met with Trump on 7-16 and Melania wore a butterfly, that was a reference to my old email address butterfly-716, which tells me you and Trump were talking about me. Still are, I presume. 

Leave me alone, and leave my country alone. 

Thursday, July 25, 2019

On being Babylon

I didn't ask to be Babylon of the Apocalypse. When I was a small child, I asked God to make me a saint or an angel.

I felt lead to Wicca because of the hypocrisy in Christianity, and the way that Christianity causes a separation between you and God, while Wicca is a pursuit of unity with the Divine and that your beliefs can change according to what you learn. I appreciate that the Divine is viewed as both female and male in Wicca, whereas Christianity has a blatantly sexist streak. I don't believe the Bible to be the true word of God because it was written by men with ulterior motives, and edited by the Romans, who wished to control the population more than they wanted people to achieve divine union. I think Jesus had a lot of great things to say, and most people overlook that he told the pharisees that the Old Testament was obsolete.

When you look at the mystical traditions within the world's religions, you find a universal Truth not weighed down by dogma, and I believe this is where we should turn to find the Divine, and you can experience the Divine love written about in the scriptures, not just preach about it. The Kingdom of Heaven is upon you, and if you can't find it here on Earth, you will not find it in death.

But this is not the message most Christians will want to hear, and I'm afraid I will be hated, which is so unchristian, or anti-Christ. They have been primed with prejudice against the whore of Babylon. And here I come, with a cybernetic implant and a pagan religion, fulfilling prophecies no one thought possible. I hope I can do some good for humanity. I wish I understood God/dess's plans better.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Let's make sure the human race survives the climate change crisis

The above link is to an essay discussing the extinction of mankind. The author believes we are on a path to not only destroying our world through climate change disaster but everything that sustains humanity, and we're taking ourselves down with it. He believes this could happen within our children's lifetimes.

I don't like to believe that all hope is yet lost. It's going to require a massive change in the cultural paradigm, but I believe we can do it. I believe we can save ourselves.

However, it's not going to work if we have people in power who deny climate change and maintain the status quo. We can't fix our problems with the same methods that created them.

If the world needs me to be this Babylon of the Apocalypse (Unveiling the Truth) to help get the message across that we need to change things NOW so we don't face Armageddon (destruction), I accept. Not that I seem to have a choice in this, but it's a fate I can appreciate if it helps humanity.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Is Melania Trump an abused wife?

Abuse comes in many forms, and I'm not suggesting that President Trump beats or rapes his wife, but judging by the way he attacks his opponents, I think it's fair to say that he keeps her in line through a form of mental/emotional abuse. That's why she's always silent in the face of his cyberbullying and behavior that is blatantly the opposite of what she encourages in her "Be Best" campaign. The fact that he had affairs clearly demonstrates that he doesn't really care about her. She's merely arm candy to make him look good.