Sunday, July 24, 2016

I can't believe I wrote a Patriotic Rap... :p

Lately I've been inspired to write rap lyrics, which is a surprise to me as much as you. Please forgive me if it sucks, but I really feel this message, and I think our culture needs some good mojo right now.

Born in America
Land of Opportunity
Grew up fairly comfortable
Was taught that we were free
But things came crashing down
All around, all so suddenly
September eleventh
Our day of tragedy
So we overreacted
Passed the Patriot Act
And we lost a bunch of freedoms
And protections like that
Economic recession
Shattering our dreams
Costing us our homes
And our dignities
And all the while
Wall Street laughs
Toasting their glasses
Above the gathered mass
They think that we are weak
Indentured servantry
But the People hold the power
In this country

If we want to win
We have to stand together
If you want peace
You've got to love your neighbor
'Cause America's strength
Is diversity
Every stripe is needed
In the Land of the Free

We're an exceptional country
The U-S-of-A
But that really isn't meant
In a superior way
Immigrants traveled
Across the seas
To make a patchwork of cultures
And ethnicities
It's an experimental
Melting pot
I know that it's not perfect
But we give what we've got
And of all the places
 I could be
I'm grateful I was born
In a democracy
Life has never been easy
It's never been fair
But we can make it better
When we show that we care
For although we are
As different as could be
What unites us all
Is our Humanity


The world's a scary place
But that's nothing new
Don't believe in all those fears
It makes them stronger than you
So take a tip from Yoda
When you're feeling angry
'Cause if it turns to hate
Well, we know where that leads
Walling off the world
Isn't the answer
Suffering spreads
Just like a cancer
We gotta be the change
That we wish to see
Sure it's cliche
But I'm speaking truthfully
Rise above with your love
We're all in this together
The pointing of fingers
Causes ties to be severed
One thing we must remember
If we want to stay free
We have to let our Brothers
Be themselves, naturally


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