Monday, March 7, 2011

An Introduction

The world is on the threshold of dramatic change, and this blog is dedicated to bringing people together to make that change happen for the better. While there may be some political commentary, I mostly want to focus on social, spiritual, and personal changes: the things we deal with in our every day lives. I want to discuss what history has to teach us, so we don't make the same mistakes. There will also be some of my own personal ramblings, you never know what they will be.
A big argument I hear coming is that there are 7 billion people in the world, so how much of a difference can 1 person make? For this we have to go back to what we learned as children: It’s a small world, after all. And it’s getting smaller. It may not be “Six Degrees of Separation” exactly, but social networking sites allow us be in contact with hundreds or thousands of individuals around the world each day. Lead by example. There are important politics going on right now; the Internet allows us to keep up with how proposed laws will affect YOU, and it’s easier than ever before to contact your congress people to vote on laws. It is their constitutional duty to honor the voice of the people.

My goal is to never be preachy or aggressive about issues, but to present my thoughts for consideration. I encourage everyone to research the topics that affect or interest them and to make their own informed decisions. Encourage others to do the same. And don’t be part of the problem by passing on information without checking your facts or pressure others to accept your beliefs.

To help set the mood, I recommend the movie Pay It Forward. It's on Netflicks instant play. :)

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