Saturday, March 10, 2012

Thoughts on this reality show I've applied for...

I'm sure a lot of people are wondering about my choice to apply for this reality show, and to be honest, I don't know what the producers' intentions are. I first found the link on the Witches' Voice newsfeed, and every comment was negative, voicing concerns that they would make us look like freaks, or that someone would get on the show who "doesn't know their cauldron from calling the corners."

The ad reads: "Major cable network is on the hunt for the BEST voodoo / witchcraft shop in America!

If you think you've got the skills, the personality and the business for television then contact us immediately. Feel free to submit yourself or someone else.

This is a paid opportunity.

You don't have to work in a shop in order to qualify. You can also practice out of your home or travel. Nationwide casting."

This suggests to me that the producers don't know what to expect, but they think that someone who owns a shop will be more deeply involved in the occult than an average practitioner, and that a shop full of witches will make for better TV than just one. But they're keeping their options open, and I like that.

There is a lot of fear in the Pagan community on a lot of levels. Mainstream culture has not always looked upon us favorably, and they don't want more negative attention (something reality shows are known for). There is a lot of irony in the fact that they want to celebrate being different, but don't want to be perceived that way.

Unfortunately, making a show about how Witches are just like everyone else (as some comments suggested) would not make for good television. People would be bored to death! Get too normal, and the editing crew would be forced to pick out every little disagreement as the most interesting bits, leading to just another Jersey Shores type show. If the WOW! factor can be kept high, there's a lot less room for those kinds of editing choices.

There were a lot of references on WitchVox to a show called Mad Mad House, and I thought I should watch it to find out what they were all griping about. Honestly, the show didn't cast us in nearly such a negative light as I expected (hardly at all, really), which shows again the fear of being perceived too differently. I also found Fiona Horne's blog about filming the show, which was enlightening about what the editors did that was misleading (playing up arguments and relationships, mostly).

So, why do I want to do this? For one, I'm already doing it on a small scale with Ritual Network. One of the comments that popped up a lot in the WitchVox forum is "no real witch would want their rituals on TV." There are a number of reasons I disagree with this comment, and this should be no surprise as I've already been doing just that on Ritual Network. For one thing, Silvia Brallier described being clergy as "doing your work in public," and for another, the public rituals are for the benefit of the audience/ the greater Pagan community as much as for me. 

Honestly I expect to get more flack than accolades if I do get this show, but I'm not out to convince the world to like me or change anyone's opinion, but rather to offer some support and encouragement to those who seek it from me, and to show the world that there is no shame in doing magick, and to normalize its practice to an extent. That people may look upon it with curiosity rather than fear.

Joseph Campbell said that if you follow your bliss, doors will open where you don't expect them and where they wouldn't open for anyone else. In the event this is not that door, I will not give up on my bliss...

Ultimately, it would be cool to create a ritual theater-type experience that could potentially reach a very large audience. That's my great joy in life- creating a magickal experience for others, and I only hope this show will be the vehicle to expand on my work while also supporting my family. May it harm none, so mote it be!

You can help my chances of getting the show by voting for me. You don't have to sign up, and you can vote once a day. Vote here:

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