(An updated version of this post and all blogs on the subject of religion have been moved to ravensreligiousstudies.blogspot.com )
(Note: when I speak of Christianity in this post, I am specifically referring to the conservative institution in the USA, and certainly not all Christians.)
Just yesterday, lawmakers in Idaho proposed making the state officially and formally a Christian state. Thank goodness, most of the other lawmakers have brains enough to recognize the bill's unconstitutionality and immediately moved to shelve the suggestion. But bills like this have been popping up across the country, claiming to be a response to the "war against Christianity" supposedly being waged by humanists and homosexuals and freaks like myself.
It doesn't matter how many times we all explain that there is no war against Christianity, that we have no interest in taking their rights away, etc. They're convinced. So I thought about it, and maybe they're right: maybe the war Christianity started centuries ago against paganism and homosexuals and science never really ended, They just say it's our war against Christianity to justify their preemptive strikes.
So, if we ARE in a war (see http://www.afa.net/bigotrymap# for their "battle plans"), we need to consider things carefully... Just as the U S is not at war with Islam, (except, apparently, the Christian right... Coincidence?) but religious extremism and terror, we need to make fully clear that we are at war with Christian special privilege. Some thoughts I have in this line are:
Christians do not get to define marriage when other religions have different opinions- we DO have a constitution.
Christians do not get to claim their religious rights are violated by gay marriage any more than Jews get to claim persecution by bacon.
Christmas is not the only winter holiday that matters.
If Christian creationism gets taught in schools as fact, so does Hinduism's creation story.
If you get proselytize me, I get to bless you by calling the four elements.
If you say abortion is an abomination to God, you better be damn well prepared to submit evidence that your God exists but mine doesn't, and it better hold more water than, "Because the Bible says so."
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