Donald Trump loves to boast about how he made over $500 million last year, but also that he pays as little as possible in taxes. While he refuses to release his tax returns, old returns available to the public show that he paid $0 in taxes those years. We can assume he continues the same tactics and still pays no taxes. This should be a very concerning thing to those of us who struggle to get by and still pay a good chunk of our hard-earned paychecks to Uncle Sam.
By my estimation, Trump should be paying about $175 million in taxes for last year, without considering any deductions of which he takes advantage. At least, that's what an average person who suddenly won a $500 million lotto would be expected to pay. That's what our tax system says is fair.
But as the favorite pastime of the American wealthy, tax evasion means that the huge financial burden of running the country falls on the working class. Why is it OK for us to struggle to make ends meet while people like him get a free ride? That's not fair play, but the Donald makes it clear he doesn't believe the rules apply to him.
Trump benefits from the taxes WE pay- our nation's infrastructure can't be supported without those taxes, and he looks down on the rest of us as "stupid" for paying those taxes. America can't be great without income, and his "great business mind" knows this. But his "very good brain" only thinks about helping his own business interests and not the greater economic state, which is ironic- he can't make money of people who don't have any. The mindset he espouses is directly responsible for the recession of which we're clawing our way out (and from which he personally benefitted, i.e., he made money when you lost your home). But rather than using his "very good brain" to solve the economic crisis for the good of the many, to recognize that his contribution to the shared struggle of America could be far more impactful than 1,000 people with my wages, he still strives to leave us high and dry when the tax collector calls for contributions to the true Greatness of America.
It shocks me that so many are willing to support a man who so gleefully rapes our economic system, who openly says he will change or ignore any rules he doesn't like... How can we trust such a man to be a wise and benevolent leader? To put all our fates in those money-grubbing hands and expect him to help the people on whose backs he stands? This is a very dangerous possibility, and we would be fools to allow it.
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