Monday, April 29, 2019

Finding Happiness Again, Through Psychedelics

There are many studies being done that show that psychedelic drugs can have very positive effects on stubborn forms of depression and PTSD that more conventional medications can't fix. They're effective for our veterans, and I believe they could help more broadly in our culture, where despair has taken root so deeply that violence has become commonplace.

As always, my belief is that we need to stop waging war against substances, that the government needs to regulate the market and treat addiction as a health problem. Note also that psychedelic mushrooms are being tested in treatment for addiction to other substances.

Psychedelic culture we recognize from the '60's on is all about love. I see it as a potential cure for the hate we see so prominently in America and around the world in recent years. When nothing else is working- mass violence is more and more commonplace- we need to try unconventional therapy.

I recommend more funding to these clinics that are experimenting with psychedelics, I recommend studying the culture (make love, not war), and I recommend exploring the benefits of legalizing a regulated market (safer drugs and dosing, selling to adults only, smaller prison populations, tax revenue, etc.)

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