One of the biggest controversies that keeps popping up in the news lately is over Critical Race Theory (CRT), though no one seems to really understand what it is.
Contrary to popular belief, CRT doesn't teach that all white people are racists and it doesn't teach racism. Rather, CRT teaches history through a perspective that sees the bigger picture, and explains how that history impacts us today. It helps us figure out how to make society better for everyone, because currently, even the privileged don't have it so great.
CRT is controversial because it reveals truths that have been censored for a long time, and people are having some difficulty accepting that the country we love could have a secret history at odds with the Brady Bunch facade that has been presented to us. But it's no secret that the government has secrets, and it's time we understood what that means.
Neither the political left or right are showing us an accurate representation of the country right now, and there is propaganda on both sides, in very different forms. Neither political party is actually in power; the US government was infiltrated by Nazi spies during WWII, and when the CIA formed, they hired a thousand Nazi scientists and agents. They set up a racist system that is now crumbling from within, but nonetheless still secretly occupies our government.
The CIA acknowledged that they hired a bunch of full-fledged Nazis decades ago, because Congress required that documents be declassified. Take a moment to really understand this information- the US practically handed over the most powerful branch of the military to the Nazis, and now the SS (Secret Service) controls the president's every move. The Nazis have control over America's most advanced surveillance technologies. The CIA controls the military-industrial complex, including businesses, which is inherently fascist.
Nazis are known for racism; this is undisputed. But it should also be understood that racism isn't always about ethnicity, and Nazis have been known to fling their hatred at anything that defied their vision of a "purified" culture. They frequently use religion as a dividing force, as well as socio-economic status and "elitism". Basically, Nazis will start a fight whenever they can or encourage situations that are accidents waiting to happen, just because that's their culture.
It's also undisputed that Nazis installed themselves into the CIA, and therefore had massive amounts of control over our system of governance. This history in combination with statistics should make it indisputable that systemic racism exists, but this is where another hallmark of Nazism comes in: propaganda and censorship.
Far-right media and politicians are spouting textbook Nazi propaganda, especially since Trump became president. The mainstream news is repeating the phrase the "Big Lie" lately, which they are currently claiming is about Trump claiming the election was stolen. But the term has long been associated with Nazis, and in the US, the real Big Lie is that Nazism was defeated in WWII.
The way the news reports on the Big Lie is about as close as they are allowed to get to the truth without violating censorship laws. People who are in on the knowledge of what is happening in government can put the clues together to kind of see more deeply into what is going on, but the clues they leave in the media are often deliberately ambiguous. The truth often gets lost in translation.
But the clues are there. If you think about what happened when the Black Lives Matter movement started, there was a lot of talk about "antifa", or anti-fascism. Antifa was not even an organization; it became a buzzword because there is real fascism in the DOJ and its connected to the racism that people of color experience in encounters with police, and that was the closest the censorship-and-propaganda machine would let the media get to the truth.
The media does allude to classified and censored things going on behind the scenes. This is called "open source intelligence", but it's heavily influence by right-wing politics, even when published by mainstream or left-leaning news outlets. The media is also full of "culturally sensitive triggering", also known as "dog whistles", that white supremacists understand but aren't obvious to others. This alone is substantial evidence of systemic racism.
It should also be noted that right wing media and intelligence were deliberately conflating Black Lives Matter with the racist history of the Bureau of Land Management in their vague rants about BLM. That's how the right demonizes the left and claims that it's not a lie.
The American people need to realize how dystopian it is that when black people asked for the police to stop killing unarmed black men, the DOJ went militaristic on peaceful protests, but when white supremacists attempted to overthrow the government, the DOJ left the Capitol guards to die. This is systemic racism.
The reality is, if the riot police who showed up to escalate the situation in Portland realized that in the big picture of the world, they are the new Nazi forces in a holocaust that stays just below the radar, those police would feel guilty. But they've been brainwashed into following orders even when it should be obvious they're on the wrong side of history, and they'll defend the collective ego of the police union, because that's how fascism works. Many don't realize they've become the bad guys, because they've been fed a bunch of propaganda, too. It's very difficult to see how dysfunctional a society is when it's the only culture a person has ever known.
The psychology of our culture is heavily socially engineered. The American Psychological Association recently apologized for their role in racism, but the problem with the field runs much deeper than reported. It had been weaponized by Nazis, which is why only the most cynical philosophers were taught in my high school psych class and mystical psychology was buried. Many diagnoses misrepresent the nature of a patient's situation, exploit the stigma surrounding mental illness to disempower people with traits disliked by the establishment, or are political constructs. Psychology needs to completely overhauled. Very few talk therapists seem to actually know what they're doing.
The therapeutic side of psychology is set up to fail; the mental health system has been converted into a capitalistic venture designed to exploit the vulnerable and sell harmful pharmaceuticals. The system cares more about the social engineering side of psychology; the woman who raised me had a degree in child psychology and told me when I was very young about unethical experiments in obedience, power dynamics, control, and conformity.
There have also been experiments in neurotech going back to the 50's. A number of these are declassified, and in the late 90's my middle school science class taught us about how scientists had used computers and implants to project camera images into the brain. We can assume that the classified CIA version of the technology was much more advanced than what they were showing the public.
I've seen enough evidence to convince me that members of rich families have neurotech with varying levels of access to a neuro-internet. Elon Musk frequently speaks of neural nets, and I think there are several functioning in the population.
As far as I can tell, these neural nets are run by quantum supercomputers, and the person may or may not know they are hooked up. The supercomputers influence the subconscious, and over the long term through very subtle influence causes situations to stack up in favor of some people and enforce Murphy's law for others. The algorithms are racist, misogynistic, nepotistic, etc.
My ex is a genius who worked in Hollywood and with the Pentagon. Several years ago, he told me about how he helped build satellites armed with laser weapons in the 80's. When I met him, he was talking about going into business in the technology sector with his friend John Thayer, who was the International Air Force Representative of Weapons at the time. Instead, Thayer accepted a job with Raytheon when he retired from the Pentagon. Thayer said some notable things, such as that the government didn't kill people who studied clean energy "anymore", basically acknowledging that those conspiracy theories were true- the CIA did indeed murder people to control technological development, and they've got a particular hatred for hippies.
My ex told me that the CIA has a lot of technology it has kept secret for 50 years, and that there have been a lot of unethical experiments. Now the world is at a crossroads, where many secrets can no longer be denied, and the CIA's karma has caught up with it.
There are old Dr. Seuss cartoons referencing a Nazi alliance with the KKK, and there was resistance to the US getting involved in WWII until the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The KKK had deeply entrenched power at the time, and the way minorities were treated in both countries was similar, so there wasn't the incentive then that there is today to protect human rights. I suspect FDR was murdered and a number of Nazis were smuggled into the US, ending up in Montana.
The German efficiency worked its way into our bureaucracy, and the Nazis had a lot of influence on the KKK in the realm of propaganda. Russia figured out that the US was harboring Nazis, the Cold War began, and the CIA was established.
As the Nazis hired by the US had become secretive about their culture and the KKK were influenced to become less obvious in society, racism went from overtly burning crosses on lawns to targeting people as victims of MK Ultra and other CIA experiments that they could plausibly deny.
To this day, corporations like Facebook know they can get away with crimes as bad as complicity in human trafficking if they just call it a "social experiment" and cover it up. The economy is rigged in favor of quisling corporations and drives independent owners out of business. The mafia merged with the KKK and Nazis to essentially become the business arm of their trifecta of corruption; Hollywood and the news media make up the propaganda arm.
Science is a difference story. While the CIA hired a lot of Nazi scientists in the beginning, and there are a number of scientists working for corporations who are willing to do junk "science", the vast majority of scientists are against the propaganda and unethical experiments that the CIA produces.
Scientists see real evidence that America is dumbing itself down by decades of prioritizing the promotion of those who fit in with the culture of corruption over those who are actually talented. Progress is continually thwarted by the CIA murdering innovators and burying their discoveries, by the government funding organizations that embezzle much of the cash flow, or forcing people into non-compete agreements, NDAs, and arbitration clauses. Our government is running in circles, with some politicians not knowing how to put out the fire and some adding fuel to it.
On CNN, the Surgeon General recently described the US population as being 315 million, which is 15 million lower than the official figure. This fits with the conspiracy theories about human trafficking. It's a holocaust of attrition.
It's become clear at this point that the Nazi form of government is unsustainable and crumbles from within because it is so reliant on lies, and the truth cannot be hidden forever. The country is at a crossroads; the country cannot go on as it has. The far-right wants to violently tear everything down, but there are a lot fewer of them than the internet would have you believe. The left is trying to carry on, but have no real power. Ultimately, the strings are being pulled by the same puppet masters on both sides.
The QAnon conspiracies have a grain of truth to them, slathered in far-right propaganda. The richest people in the US are all connected to the White family. Bam White was in an old propaganda video called "The Plough that Broke the Field" about the dust bowl; it wouldn't surprise me if he was actually involved in engineering the Great Depression.
The White family has connections to the House of Stewart; blood lines, incest, and eugenics are all involved, with some members of the family holding considerable power over others, and some having no rights at all because they don't fit the definition of "human". There's a surprising amount of ethnic diversity in the family, because the Nazis and CIA kidnapped babies from prominent families around the world for eugenics purposes, but the power dynamic within the family skews in favor of those with the most German, British, and Scandinavian blood.
The younger generations are generally unhappy with the way the Boomers have been running things, and are finally coming into power, but there's still a culture of fear and silence holding them back.
"The truth will set you free." While the Boomers are trying to make an example out of me to keep the others in line, the reality is that I've done the hard work here and forged the path. Every person who speaks out against the family will have less opposition, because two voices have more power than one. I've already made it so that the family will never be able to hide the truth completely. It has to be acknowledged and dealt with directly, but currently the family has no conflict resolution skills so their problems keep coming back to haunt them.
We need openness and honesty from the oligarchy- that will make the smoothest transition to the future and will save the most lives. Unfortunately, some of the people in power have dedicated themselves to unreasonableness, such as fossil fuels executives, but I think that if we can get Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and Ivanka Trump to sit down and be honest about the state of our country, we can figure our real solutions to our problems.
We have to accept that they're going to tell us things we don't want to hear. We have to accept that they, like all rich people, are complicit in the attrition. But I think these oligarchs have more benevolent intentions than the older generation that got us into this mess. I'm afraid I could be wrong about that, though. But I think that honest diplomacy is a better idea than letting the left pretend like nothing's wrong while the right tries to cause societal collapse.
Also, we really need to find out more from Elon about this simulation he says we're in.
It should be noted that the Nazis exploited a weakness in democracy that can't be overlooked anymore: when a new president comes into office, he (or she) only knows what the previous president and intelligence services tells them. The US has effectively become a police state because the CIA amasses more power every time a president leaves office. In England, the monarchy has acted as a buffer against this.