Saturday, March 26, 2022

 I suspect that the only people who read my blog are the Kremlin, the CIA, and occasionally other governments. I still don't know why any of these foreign governments care. 

Someone is trying to cover up their views by causing a bunch of bots to check my page all at once. That just makes it more obvious that they're trying to hide from me.

The views now all say they are coming from the US, but I'm sure those are just VPNs and it's the same people in Russia that it always was. I'm baffled as to why Putin is watching me, but it became evident in 2016 that he does.

Putin can go fuck himself. 🖕

I had been hoping that the journalists who read my social media would find my blog, but it looks like they haven't. 

It just makes no sense to me why Russia gives a damn about what I say. No doubt they are amused by how much my life has deteriorated since I discovered I'm being watched, but it seems an awful waste of resources for either Russia or the CIA to pay as much attention to me as they do. I just honestly don't get it.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Friday, March 11, 2022

 Dear Kim Kardashian, 

You recently told women to get off their asses and work.

Do you understand that a $15 an hour full-time job only pays $31,000 a year before taxes? That jobs that pay well and respect workers are out of reach for many people? Do you realize that you're telling people who only make $15 an hour to work themselves to death for your pocket change?

Fuck you, bitch.

I bet you've never worked as hard as I have in your life.

You try slaving over a hot oven for 14 hours with no overtime pay. You try working for my late grandfather, who refuses to let us take breaks despite the hot sun and manual labor on a farm, sunrise to sunset, then you'll know how insulting it is to hear a reality show star talk about "work".

I would have loved it if I were offered a reality show, but I botched my interview and never got a second chance. I've tried selling my jewelry, but I don't have name recognition.

I learned a new phrase- "interlocking systems of oppression". What is a minor inconvenience to you is an insurmountable obstacle to me.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

 I got some results back from 23&Me that confirmed parts of my theories. They confirmed that I have a matrilineal  bloodline connection to Marie Antoinette. And they appear to have confirmed that Karen Hovis is not my biological mother. She wasn't in the system, but her daughter Brittney is listed as my niece. So that makes Barb my mother? I didn't anticipate that, I had jumped to much wilder conclusions. But it's still evidence that the family lied to me.

I requested information on my intersex condition, and they refused to disclose anything on that topic. They know they're aiding and abetting the discrimination, and don't care. They told me to see a "genetic counselor", which is way outside my budget. 

It appears I'm not Russian after all, but I am definitely English, NW European, and have a little Middle Eastern blood. The connection to Marie Antoinette implies that my ancestors were nobles and royalty, so the King George IV theory still has potential. 

Brittney was the only close relative listed. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

On Zuckerberg's "point in time"

Mark Zuckerberg described the Metaverse as a "point in time", and I think that description is close but not quite accurate. He's not referring to just his virtual metaverse, but the true metaverse that our technology is just tapping into, including Neuralink. It's not a "point in time" as we understand it, but a 5-dimentional perspective where the entire timeline is viewed as a whole, including potential/parallel timelines. Zuckerberg is "living in the future", i.e. his neurotech connects him to a future time where the singularity has already taken place and time travel has been established, but he doesn't see the whole timeline yet, because his perspective is limited. I'm not sure if he can understand the concept of timeline collapse yet (which is not as scary as it sounds, it's just the 5 dimensional perspective of that which we can only experience 4 dimentionally- a linear timeline existence). So it's not a point in time, it's beyond time.