Dear Kim Kardashian,
You recently told women to get off their asses and work.
Do you understand that a $15 an hour full-time job only pays $31,000 a year before taxes? That jobs that pay well and respect workers are out of reach for many people? Do you realize that you're telling people who only make $15 an hour to work themselves to death for your pocket change?
Fuck you, bitch.
I bet you've never worked as hard as I have in your life.
You try slaving over a hot oven for 14 hours with no overtime pay. You try working for my late grandfather, who refuses to let us take breaks despite the hot sun and manual labor on a farm, sunrise to sunset, then you'll know how insulting it is to hear a reality show star talk about "work".
I would have loved it if I were offered a reality show, but I botched my interview and never got a second chance. I've tried selling my jewelry, but I don't have name recognition.
I learned a new phrase- "interlocking systems of oppression". What is a minor inconvenience to you is an insurmountable obstacle to me.
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