Thursday, February 26, 2015

The War of Against Christianity?

 (An updated version of this post and all blogs on the subject of religion have been moved to )

(Note: when I speak of Christianity in this post, I am specifically referring to the conservative institution in the USA, and certainly not all Christians.) Just yesterday, lawmakers in Idaho proposed making the state officially and formally a Christian state. Thank goodness, most of the other lawmakers have brains enough to recognize the bill's unconstitutionality and immediately moved to shelve the suggestion. But bills like this have been popping up across the country, claiming to be a response to the "war against Christianity" supposedly being waged by humanists and homosexuals and freaks like myself. It doesn't matter how many times we all explain that there is no war against Christianity, that we have no interest in taking their rights away, etc. They're convinced. So I thought about it, and maybe they're right: maybe the war Christianity started centuries ago against paganism and homosexuals and science never really ended, They just say it's our war against Christianity to justify their preemptive strikes. So, if we ARE in a war (see for their "battle plans"), we need to consider things carefully... Just as the U S is not at war with Islam, (except, apparently, the Christian right... Coincidence?) but religious extremism and terror, we need to make fully clear that we are at war with Christian special privilege. Some thoughts I have in this line are: Christians do not get to define marriage when other religions have different opinions- we DO have a constitution. Christians do not get to claim their religious rights are violated by gay marriage any more than Jews get to claim persecution by bacon. Christmas is not the only winter holiday that matters. If Christian creationism gets taught in schools as fact, so does Hinduism's creation story. If you get proselytize me, I get to bless you by calling the four elements. If you say abortion is an abomination to God, you better be damn well prepared to submit evidence that your God exists but mine doesn't, and it better hold more water than, "Because the Bible says so."

Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy 50 Shades Day!

 (Adult content will now be found at )

(Photo has been removed to comply with Blogger's new censorship policy, which was a waste of time because they didn't implement it.) Happy
ppy 50 Shades Day! Yes, I'm actually excited about this movie. I couldn't get through the book, but I think the movie will be better because the actors will give the characters more life and depth. But that's not what I'm excited for. I'm excited that it will reach an even bigger audience of vanilla people and give my community some visibility. Suddenly it's a note acceptable lifestyle, and perhaps somehow it will make room for polyamory to become more accepted, too. When co workers ask what i did over the weekend, I'm afraid to honestly answer. They all knew about Ru because we've been together a long time... But how do I explain my secondary when most of my coworkers don't even know I'm a Witch? Some of them are pretty conservative, so I've kept my mouth shut- I'm not trying to start drama. But it pains me that I can't be myself at work. For me, BDSM and polyamory essential to my sexual wellbeing. As an LGBT person says, "This is who I am," and "I was born this way," kink is not something I just use to spice up the sex life. I knew I was kinky before I knew I was sexual- I tried to get boys to tie me up or handcuff me WAY before I was even dating. (Cops and Robbers!) It's not just something to spice up my sex life, and it has served much deeper purposes in my life, as a catalyst for some spiritual experiences. But there's a lot of judgement and misinformation out there, and even potential discrimination. In Vegas I felt liberated, but the more conservative areas of the country- that is, virtually everywhere else- sexuality is still something to be hidden and deviance shamed. So I'm excited that it's coming out. We probably won't see it right away, but my boys and I and the girl we've been flirting with are going. To me, supporting this movie equals supporting the BDSM Scene and it's place in our culture.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

A Look at Hate

Lately the headlines are dominated by stories revolving around hate: jihad, racism, discrimation based on sexual orientation... It seems to be the topic of the year. But I feel like no one is really looking at this right. I think most everyone agrees that hate is a horrible thing, so how on Earth is it so pervasive? Because when it happens, we turn a blind eye. We don't see it for what it is, because the root of hate has nothing to do with race or religion or sexual orientation. People think that hate should feel like anger or jealousy, a burning desire to harm. In my experience, hate is directed at chosen targets based on an entitlement, or an excuse as to why picking on that person is acceptable, but hate is originally sourced from a desire to be "better" than something else, due to insecurities. Think about the fact that there are lists of people "we love to hate." Hollywood thrives on this. Yes, that's all hate is. Everyone's felt it. Everything else is just a matter of how insecure the hateful person is, how entitled they feel to pick on the other person, how riled up they're feeling at the moment, and what they think they can get away with. It's really no different from bullying, and it's far more widespread, perpetuated by "harmless" jokes among friends, awkward moments that inspire teasing, and the tendency to justify the little stuff that unfairly adds up. We can't solve this issue through pointing fingers at who is hating on who and demanding they stop. There has to be a real transition in our culture toward admitting to ourselves when we aren't treating a person fairly, for whatever reason, and making efforts to treat others the way we want them to treat us.